As a minimum expectation, Wellbeing and Mental Health is taught as part of our PSHE Curriculum.
All about me
How do we keep safe? Keeping safe in familiar and unfamiliar situations;
What helps keep us healthy? How do we feel? Different kinds of feelings; strategies to manage feelings; change and loss
How do I feel? Different emotions, how to recognise different emotions
How do we change? belonging to different groups
How can we be healthy? ​Things that keep bodies and minds healthy
Who cares for me? recognising features of positive relationships, how to recognise if relationships make us feel unsafe
What can we do about bullying?
​Recognising bullying; how to respond and ask for help; people who help them stay healthy and safe
How can we eat well? What makes a balanced lifestyle; balanced diet; making choices; what influences choices
How do we feel? Describing feelings; conflicting feelings and how to manage feelings
How can we be a good friend? ​Recognise wider range of feelings in others; responding to feelings;
What are good choices for our health? What makes a balanced lifestyle and making choices;
Why is it bad for us? the facts about legal and illegal harmful substances and associated risks, including smoking, alcohol use and drug-taking
What does discrimination mean? Actions can affect self and others; discrimination, teasing and bullying;
How do we grow and change? different types of relationships; what makes a healthy relationship (friendship); maintaining positive relationships; who is responsible for their health and wellbeing; to ask for advice
How can we be safe online and using social media? Keeping safe and well using a mobile phone; strategies for managing personal safety online
Am I ready? Know what affects positive mental health
What makes a healthy and happy relationship? ​Different relationships; what makes positive; healthy relationships; recognise when relationships are unhealthy; committed; loving relationships
How can I look after myself? The characteristics of mental and emotional health and strategies for managing it; to manage growth and change as normal parts of growing up
Children’s Mental Health Week
In recognition of Children’s Mental Health Week, all classes promote mental health throughout the curriculum by ensuring they have class discussions on the importance of mental health, and complete activities and stories within the classroom. The theme this year was, ‘My Voice Matters.’
Please take the time to look at some vital tips for children and families, when talking about mental health.