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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus

Stewardship - Care for Creation

Who turned the wonderworld of the seas into underwater cemeteries bereft of colour and life?

Catholic Bishops of the Philippines, 1988


We need to be wise in how we share the world and work together to promote using resources wisely and we need to learn in what our role is to help our common home.


We show we care for creation by:

  • taking responsibility for our environment
  • make a serious commitment to combat the culture of waste. 
  • making environmentally responsible choices
  • having awe and wonder for the natural world



Our Saint for Stewardship is St. Francis of Assisi


Prayers for Stewardship - Care for Creation 


Praised Be

Living God,
have mercy on us,
for the times we forget
that we belong to each other.
You call us to be still,
to hear the whisper of our Sister Wind,
to feel the radiance of our Brother Sun,
and to be nourished by our Mother Earth.
Renew us in your healing love.
Inspire us to water the earth,
and nurture one another,
so all may flourish.
Together, as one family,
may we always sing your praise.
Through Christ our Lord,

Rachel McCarthy/CAFOD


Called to your table

You said: “Let there be”,
And so there was.
Creation awakened.
Reaching towards you,
life sang your praises.
Each seed, each atom
replied to your calling;
each plant, each creature
- knowing, unasking.

You said: “Let them live”,
and so we did.
Creation: abundant,
reaping the harvest,
called to your table.
Each man, each woman
joined in the feasting,
each son, each daughter
- praising, rejoicing.

You said: “Let them share”,
and how we fail.
Creation: unbalanced.
wasting, destroying,
we take from others.
Keeping, withholding,
we fail to notice
each man, each woman
- hungering, weeping.

We say: “Let us learn”,
and so we must.
Creation: restored.
Giving and taking:
to each life sufficient.
Each to another,
filled with your bounty
each prayer, each answer
- Building, remaking.

 - Claud Mba/CAFOD

For the love of Creator God

You show us what love is
through the beauty of the earth
and the gift of your Son.

For the love of…
animal and plant
mountain and forest
sea and city
woman and man
friend and family
those who live far from us
and those yet to be born.

Move us to live more simply,
to protect the earth
and to speak up for those in need.

- Sarah Hagger-Holt/CAFOD

 Prayer to the Holy Spirit

We see you

God of light and life,
we see you in the rising sun,
the golden fields of new daffodils,
and the feel of a spring shower.
Help us to see your light reflected throughout creation.

God of compassion,
you are there with those people
who are facing the effects of a changing climate,
and are affected by floods, droughts and famine.
Show us how to be there with them too.

God of truth and justice,
you hear those people around the world,
who struggle to make their voices heard.
Open our ears and the ears of those in power
to hear the cries of those living in poverty.

God of hope,
we see you in people who refuse to give up,
who will not lose faith and keep on fighting,
for your earth and for your people.
Lift us, so that we may never lose hope.

 - Sr Gemma Corbett/CAFOD

  You cry out with sorrow

God you made our
Mother Earth, who cries out with sorrow.
May the wonder of your creation be revealed to us:
water that gives life, not destruction
crops sown, not destroyed
pure air to breathe, not polluted.

Renew in us a respect for the magic of
a tiny seed
a flowing waterfall
a hovering skylark

Restore us to closeness with you.
Call us to change for you and
may your spirit cry out within us always.


- Mary Clark/CAFOD

 Your garden of plenty

Giver of life,
From tiny seeds and parched earth
your gentle hand grows richest fruit.
Reveal to us, Creator God, the seeds within us;
moisten the soil that our neglect has made dry.
For alone we lack the vision of your Kingdom.
Alone, we fail to recognise the hungry in our midst.
Alone, we lack the strength to fulfil your purpose.
With your inspiring love, Redeemer of all,
may the shoots of our potential break free and our hands,
voices and spirits toil in communion
so that your garden of plenty can be shared by all.

- Anna Cronin-Nowakowska/CAFOD