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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus

School Clubs

Here you will find all the information you will need about extra-curricular clubs that are currently running in school.

If you are looking for information specifically about before school, after school and holiday clubs, click here to be redirected to the Wraparound page


Extra-Curricular Clubs

Please be aware that some clubs have different end times, and some are weather dependant clubs (see below).

Day Club Finishing Time With Club Type







Miss Sutton


Miss Edwards









Arts & Crafts






Mr Beesley


Mr McKeown


Mrs Tudor







 Invasion Games


Mr Beesley














Mr Reynolds & Miss Costello


Mr McKeown


Mr Beesley












Due to the huge interest in the school's extra-curricular clubs, we are always looking to expand the numbers of clubs we can offer as we can only have a finite number of children in each club.  The school's clubs are free and are run on a cycle basis. There are no definitive end times for a club's cycle, but the children (and their parents/carers) will be informed of when a club is changing both its focus and participating children.

At St. Thomas of Canterbury, we strive to ensure that all children have the opportunity to join a club and we try to match the children with the clubs effectively.

Club Types

Weather Dependant Clubs

To try to maximise the opportunities available to the children, we run a set of clubs that we refer to as WDCs. These clubs are offered by the school when the weather permits them to go ahead and this is simply down to the fact that we do not have the capacity to host certain clubs indoors at the same time as others. The go-ahead of these clubs will be decided on the day and parents will receive a text if the club is not on - if the weather is very bad, you can assume the club will not be on (please ensure your phone numbers are up to date with the school office.)

Experience Clubs

Experience Clubs are designed to offer the children new experiences of activities, etc. that are usually not taught as part of everyday school life.

Some of these clubs will have elements of lessons which have been touched on in school but they are often filled with new tasks and new activities, which can then be used to give the children an experience of something new and build their confidence and harbours an attitude of willingness to try something new.

Development Clubs

Development Clubs are designed to be continuation of activities that are learned in school and enable children to further advance a specific skillset.

When they have shown in school that they have a real desire to develop within the respective area, these clubs can allow the children to flourish alongside other like-minded children, which challenges them to push themselves continually.



Club Expectations

All our clubs follow the same expectations as we have during regular school time. We expect all children in clubs to adhere to the school's behaviour and commitment expectations and to have the appropriate clothing (e.g. PE kits). Children should also be collected promptly and consistent failure to do so will result in a loss of a club place.


  • What footwear does my child need for their sports club?

Trainers are fine for all sports clubs and your child should always have them with them as there is always potential for grass sports (e.g. football) to be played indoors or on the playground areas. However, it will often benefit your child to have studded boots/astro-turf boots for sports which are played on grass (e.g. football & tag rugby.) These sports, when the weather allows, will always be played on the field and so it is advisable that studs are worn for grip, leading to a better experience and higher safety when running.

  • Can my child borrow studded/astro boots from school?

Yes. Although our supply is very limited, children have access to boots that have been very generously donated by parents, whose children have outgrown their boots. We would encourage anyone who has boots that they no longer require to donate them to school as the children benefit from them greatly.

  • Does my child need shin pads or any other specialist clothing?

No. If your child is in a club where they could potentially where shin pads (e.g. football) then they are more than welcome to bring their own and wear them but it is not a rule - the same goes for goalkeeper gloves, which we have in school. Baselayers, such as under-tops, leggings & calf warmers, can also be worn. For non-contact sports (e.g. cricket) children can wear sunglasses and hats.

  • Can my child wear a leotard for a Gymnastics/Dance club?

Yes. PE kits are absolutely fine also but some children, especially those in gymnastics clubs, are used to wearing leotards when performing. This is fully acceptable for their relevant after school clubs. Please be aware they will not be allowed to wear these during timetabled PE lessons.

  • Does my child need to bring anything to their Music Club?

No. The school has the necessary equipment for their clubs to run effectively. However, in some instances the music teacher and pupil will discuss your child bringing in their instrument and that is totally acceptable - their instrument can be stored safely in the music room throughout the day.

  • Which clubs will still be on when the weather is poor?

All the non-Weather Dependant clubs will always still be on, even if the weather is poor. The clubs timetable is designed in such a way that that the hall and other indoor areas are available to the respective club if they are forced inside.

  • Will the children go outside when there is light rain?

Yes. Some sports (e.g. cross country, football, tag rugby, etc.) are often played in rain, therefore, it is advisable that the children have a small towel with them in their PE bags as these sports will still be played where possible. However, rest assured that the children's wellbeing is always the top priority and they will not be expected to play outdoors if the staff deem the weather to be too bad.

  • Can my child's sibling wait in school while the club is on?

No. Although we look to accommodate siblings into clubs on the same day, this is not always possible. For child safety reasons, we do not allow siblings to wait in school for a club to finish. The exception to the rule is when siblings are in clubs on the same day but their finishing times are different.

  • Can my child's sibling(s) be in the same club as the club their sibling was chosen for?

No. Children are offered places in clubs for a variety of reasons, hence why we run different types of clubs - this may be influenced by age, attitude, experience, etc. and therefore we kindly ask that you do not request sibling care unless of an emergency.

Please remember that all after-school clubs are optional placements and therefore if your child cannot stay for club due to sibling issues we can only offer our sympathies.

  • My child was in a club last term but has not received a letter for the same club this term - are they still in that club?

No. However, if your child is unsure themselves, they should go and speak to the club's organiser to see if they are on the new list for the new term and their letter has been misplaced. When any clubs end (you will be notified by letter or text message) please consider that the club was ended for every child in that club and when it is reformulated for the next club cycle, letters will be given to any child who has been reserved a place.

Before School, After School & Holiday Clubs (Wraparound Care)

St. Thomas of Canterbury host wraparound care for children aged 3-11 in their breakfast club & after school club through Simply Out Of School.

Click the picture to see more information!


The Summer Sports Camp is presented to you by Sports Plus Scheme and runs during the summer break.

Click the picture to see more information!