Ofsted Report
CES Inspection
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School is immensely proud to announce that the CES inspection (previously known as Section 48/RE Ofsted) has once again awarded the school Outstanding status for all areas.
Following an inspection in April 2023, the school has received the final report, which lists the school as outstanding in every area, this includes:
- all three areas of Catholic life and mission - how faithfully the school responds to the call to live as a Catholic community at the service of the Church’s educational mission.
- all three areas in Religious education - the quality of curriculum religious education
- all three areas of Collective worship - the quality and range of liturgy and prayer provided by the school)
A Brief Summary of the Report's Findings
Christ is unequivocally at the heart of St Thomas of Canterbury, witnessed through the strong sense of community, the exceptionally high quality of relationships, and the warm welcome that oozes throughout the school. Through these relationships, moulded by the love and care they show for their pupils, staff embrace the school’s Catholic life and mission. Pupils’ pastoral care is given the highest priority, and there is a consistent commitment to the most vulnerable. The Headteacher, leaders and staff are consistently inspirational and outstanding role models for their pupils.
Our Wonderful Children
Pupils are religiously literate and use their learnt knowledge and skills effectively to reflect spiritually. They see it as their role to live out their faith; consequently, their behaviour is exemplary.
Pupils develop excellent knowledge, understanding and key skills across all years. They are curious learners, readily asking their teachers searching questions to consolidate and deepen their learning and understanding of key topics and concepts. Their behaviour in lessons is notably exceptional.
Members of the chaplaincy team fully embrace their responsibilities; they are independent in their approach and effectively support pupils across the school in growing in confidence regarding matters of faith.
Liturgy and Prayer
The centrality of prayer and liturgy to the life of the school is apparent across all its work. Pupils are exceptionally reverent during all forms of worship. Indeed, their engagement and responses during the different parts of the Mass, including prayerful silence and communion singing, were excellent. They readily and clearly articulate how prayer and liturgy experiences have shaped how they think about themselves and the world and how they inspire them into action.
Catholic Social Teachings
Because of their deep understanding of how to apply the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, they know how to personally care for our common home and serve those most in need. They implement these actions. They clearly articulate the importance of being stewards of God’s creation in every sense.
Leaders and Other Staff
Leaders are very ambitious regarding developing the school’s Catholic life and mission, which are given the highest priority.
Staff go that extra mile.
The Headteacher, staff and governors are inspirational witnesses to the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching in the direction of the school. This has an overwhelmingly positive impact on the entire school community
We are incredibly proud to have retained our Ofsted Outstanding status. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the children, who have demonstrated an outstanding attitude to learning. A special thank you goes to all the governors and staff who relentlessly support the children, academically and pastorally to be the best they can be!
Finally, thank you to all parents and carers - your support is invaluable and very much appreciated.
CES Inspection Full Report - April 2023 (click here)
We were graded as an 'Outstanding' Catholic School in the Section 48 RE Inspection of 2016.
RE Section 48 Full Report - December 2016 (click here)