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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus


The goal of EYFS is to activate the child's own natural desire to learn


The intent for our children is to enter the next stage of their education ready to tackle new challenges with confidence and a positive mindset.

ENGAGE our pupils in a stimulating environment led by the children, yet carefully organised and managed by adults. Providing a curriculum responsive to individual starting points and needs.

INNOVATE our children to take the lead in their own learning, encouraging confidence to explore new ideas, think about problems, take risks and seek challenges.

DEVELOP high levels of engagement, curiosity, collaboration and co-operation. Highly adept at managing their own behaviour in the classroom and in social situations.

EXPRESS themselves with confidence in a meaningful way. Respecting the opinions and values of themselves and others.


Our approach is influenced by the work of educationalists, researchers, psychologists and practitioners who have guided our knowledge of how young children learn and how adults can support their learning.

‘’Knowledgeable practitioners appreciate that adult-led learning offers a child something different from, but complimentary to, child led learning and it is one without the other that leads to an impoverished educational experience.’’ Fisher, 2016

At St. Thomas of Canterbury Primary School, provision is underpinned by a complimentary relationship between adult led, adult-initiated and child led learning.

We are ambitious in our approach using a continuous cycle of observation and assessment, planning/teaching, alongside structured and systematic lessons and guided group work.


Children enter Key Stage One, ready to begin the next chapter of the educational journey. They are equipped with a broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for future progress through school and life.

At St. Thomas of Canterbury, we aim to ensure:

  • All children have a clear starting point with a tailored curriculum. Next step objectives are continually referred to, to ensure every child’s learning need is focused upon.
  • Children have access and have heard at least 1000 stories before the end of the year – through a class focus book. Storytimes happen at least three times a day. Reading books are sent home twice a week, plus a story book for pleasure to read at home. This will ensure children are exposed to books continually and listen to a wide range of vocabulary.
  • Children are able to express their feelings through role-play and talking. Children can listen for longer periods of time and be able to engage in core curriculum activities. Open dialogue is used throughout the day, with engaged conversations being the primary focus in EYFS, to decrease the word gap within children’s vocabulary.


At St. Thomas of Canterbury, we ensure children feel secure and that they belong. We do this right from the onset through a school tour; children know the school layout and are given opportunities to speak to all staff.

Weekly jobs and responsibilities through our helping hands give opportunities to promote resilience, with buddy challenges and weekly competitions. Through the celebration of events; Diwali, Bonfire Night, St. Nicholas Day, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and St. Patrick’s Day.

Opportunities to promote confidence, through our nativity performance and graduation, in which every child learns a line and performs, in front an audience and in front of their parents.

The environment, alongside food and nutrition, are an important part of our curriculum. Children are taught how to use cutlery correctly; they are taught about hand washing and the importance of dental hygiene. They are given opportunities to use utensils to make sandwiches, pancakes, biscuits, pizzas and soups. They taste fruits and different foods and look at their senses, when describing sweet, sour, salty and bitter. They look at where their food comes from, they plant their own seeds to create vegetables and look at lifecycles.

Outings, trips and in school visitors are used to enhance and enrich children’s experiences; visits to Conkers to visit Santa; visit to the local Post Office/ Post box - to post a letter; visit to the farm and the zoo to look at different animals, habitats and conservation; feeding the school, pond ducks; careers week, visits from the police, paramedics, fire officers, electrician; wellbeing dog visit, teddy bears picnic by the pond; the fairy trail.

We ensure parents feel secure when working alongside their children at home, through parent workshops on reading, fine motor skills and R.E.